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DA & DL are digital videos. Click on the orange to go to AEA Digital Library or Learn 360
are MackinVIA titles. Click on the logo to go to the MackinVIA website

B 97412B 97412 Learning Centers for School Libraries
Grade Lvl: T Author: Madigan, Maura
Length: 246 Copyright: 2021

Learning Centers for School Libraries contains detailed, step-by-step instructions and reproducible templates for over 20 learning centers. Professional text presents innovative, engaging, and fun ideas to target the AASL National School Library Standards and content-area standards. The ideas are flexible and can fit different grade levels and lesson lengths.
Learning Centers for School Libraries T  
B 97509B 97509 Project-Based Learning for Elementary Grades
Grade Lvl: T Author: Madigan, Maura
Length: 195 Copyright: 2022

Madigan's book delivers flexible, interdisciplinary, learner-driven projects that support the National School Library Standards. Readers will find background on project-based learning (PBL), a breakdown of the essential parts of a project, and ready-made PBL projects that can be used with minimal preparation. Designed for both beginning and experienced school librarians and educators interested in facilitating PBL projects with elementary learners, this book offers lessons, educator preparation steps, learner directions, worksheets, assessments, suggested materials, and resources; mini and extended versions of each project enabling use with diverse schedules, grade levels, and learner abilities; and chapters on collaborating with other educators, facilitating and adapting virtual PBL projects, and creating PBL projects. AASL. IASL. Elementary School Library Learner. Instructional methods.
Project-Based Learning for Elementary Grades T