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KM 11711KM 11711 Write Beside Them: Risk, Voice, and Clarity in High School Writing
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kittle, Penny
Length: 272 Copyright: 2008

Presents a guide for teachers to aid secondary school students in matters of writing, including techniques to improve strength of voice and clarity in daily writing practices, and includes guidance for genres, grammar, and assessment. Includes DVD-ROM with classroom footage, a study guide, forms, and other resources.
Write Beside Them: Risk, Voice, and Clarity in High School Writing T  
B 95203B 95203 Book Love: Developing Depth, Stamina, and Passion in Adolescent Readers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kittle, Penny
Length: 174 Copyright: 2013

A guide to reducing student apathy towards reading and books providing strategies to increase volume, capacity, and complexity, to help students deepen their thinking about reading, and related topics. Teenagers Books and reading. Chapters: Teenagers want to read--if we let them -- Understanding readers and reading -- Building stamina and fluency -- Opening doors into reading -- The power of the book talk -- Conferences -- Responding to reading -- Nurturing interdependent readers in a classroom community -- Creating a school community of readers.
Book Love: Developing Depth, Stamina, and Passion in Adolescent Readers T  
B 97169B 97169 180 DAYS: Two Teachers and the Quest to Engage and Empower Adolescents
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gallagher, Kelly / Kittle, Penny
Length: 233 Copyright: 2018

Kelly Gallagher and Penny Kittle mapped out a year of engaging literacy practices aligned to their core beliefs about what matters most. They share their insights on managing time tasks and offer teaching strategies for engaging students in both whole class and independent work. Two teachers. Two classrooms. One school year. 180 Days represents the collaboration of two master teachers-Kelly Gallagher and Penny Kittle-over an entire school year: planning, teaching, and reflecting within their own and each other's classrooms in California and New Hampshire. Inspired by a teacher's question, "How do you fit it all in?" they identified and prioritized the daily, essential, belief-based practices that are worth spending time on. They asked, "Who will these students be as readers and writers after a year under our care?" What we make time for matters: what we plan, how we revise our plans while teaching, and how we reflect and decide what's next. The decision-making in the moment is the most essential work of teaching, and it's the ongoing study of the adolescents in front of us that has the greatest impact on our thinking. With both the demands of time and the complexity of diverse students in mind, Kelly and Penny mapped out a year of engaging literacy practices aligned to their core beliefs about what matters most. They share their insights on managing time and tasks and offer teaching strategies for engaging students in both whole class and independent work. Video clips of Kelly and Penny teaching in each other's classrooms bring this year to life and show you what a steadfast commitment to belief-based instruction looks like in action. 180 Days. Make every moment matter. Teach fearlessly. Empower all students to live literate lives.
180 DAYS: Two Teachers and the Quest to Engage and Empower Adolescents T  
B 97587B 97587 Micro Mentor Texts
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kittle, Penny
Length: 176 Copyright: 2022

Subtitle: Using Short Passages From Great Books to Teach Writer's Craft. At a time when students’ attention is being pulled in many directions, writing expert Penny Kittle shows us the power of helping them to focus in and communicate clearly. She does that through the study of "micro mentor texts." The text includes over 100 excerpts from acclaimed books, and the decisions authors make to craft those texts so they deeply engage readers. Her book also includes mini-lessons based on them-as well as many practice opportunities for students and demonstration videos for readers. Teaching language arts. Composition. Mentor texts. Reading.
Micro Mentor Texts T