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14 Items were found
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B 95009B 95009 Uncovering Student Ideas in Astronomy
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page
Length: 255 Copyright: 2012

Subtitle: 45 New Formative Assessment Probes by Page Keeley and Cary Sneider. Probes are designed to help K-12 teachers assess student thinking. Addresses misconceptions. Sections: 1. The Nature of Planet Earth; 2. The Sun-Earth System; 3. Modeling the Moon; 4. Dynamic Solar System; and 5. Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe.
Uncovering Student Ideas in Astronomy T  
B 95549B 95549 Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science, Vol. 2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page / Harrington, Rand
Length: 190 Copyright: 2014

Subtitle: 39 New Electricity and Magnetism Formative Assessment Probes. The book offers 39 new formative assessment probes, this time with a focus on electric charge, electric current, and magnets and electromagnetism. Probes are designed to help 3-12 teachers uncover and correct the misconceptions that are held by their students about key ideas. It can help you do everything from demystify electromagnetic fields to explain the real reason balloons stick to the wall after you rub them on your hair.
Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science, Vol. 2 T  
B 95964B 95964 What Are They Thinking?: Promoting Elementary Learning through Formative Assessment
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page
Length: 226 Copyright: 2014

A collection of thirty "Formative Assessment Probes" to help a teacher discover and recognize what children know or think that they know about science. This compendium of probes is drawn from NSTA's elementary journal Science and Children columns. Grades K-5.
What Are They Thinking?: Promoting Elementary Learning through Formative As T  
B 96440B 96440 Teaching for Conceptual Understanding in Science
Grade Lvl: T Author: Konicek-Moran, Richard / Keeley, Page
Length: 264 Copyright: 2015

Teacher's guide to explaining science concepts. Provides strategies to deepen student's understanding of essential scientific principles. The authors review research on children's cognitive thinking in order to help teachers implement appropriate strategies at each grade level or age. Illustrates the various NGSS connections that exist in the standards & shares various instructional models that could be used to accomplish this task. Explores the ways that assessment and instruction can support efforts to teach core concepts as well as the role of informal education in this process. Concept learning.
Teaching for Conceptual Understanding in Science T  
B 96667B 96667 Uncovering Student Ideas in Earth Science and Environmental Science: 32 New Formative Assessment Probes - PB355X (Uncovering Student Ideas in Science)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page / Tucker, Laura
Length: 180 Copyright: 2016

Authors Page Keeley and Laura Tucker present 32 engaging questions, or probes, that can reveal what students already know or think they know about core Earth and environmental science concepts. Helps teachers uncover and correct misconceptions and adjust their instruction so students will learn the content accurately. The probes are organized into four sections: 1.Land and Water (7 probes); 2.Water Cycle, Weather, and Climate (8 probes); 3.Earth History, Weathering and Erosion, and Plate Tectonics (12 probes); and 4.Natural Resources, Pollution, and Human Impact (5 probes). Offers field-tested teacher materials that provide science background and link to national standards, including the Next Generation Science Standards. The new probes for grades 3-12 are short, ready to reproduce, and easy to use. Reproducible pages.
Uncovering Student Ideas in Earth Science and Environmental Science: 32 New T  
B 4046038B 4046038 Science formative assessment.
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016

Discusses ways science teachers can use formative assessment strategies to test where their students are at in their understanding of science concepts.
Science formative assessment. T  
B 5913900B 5913900 Mathematics formative assessment.
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Offers fifty practical strategies for formative assessments in math classes. Discusses effective assessments that promote conceptual understanding and link techniques to core ideas. Includes tips for modifying instruction for diverse learners and embedding formative assessment throughout stages of learning.
Mathematics formative assessment. T  
B 90674B 90674 Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page
Length: 198 Copyright: 2008

Subtitle: Another 25 Formative Assessment Probes. Provides ten detailed suggestions for teachers on how to use the probes to uncover, accurately assess, and correct their own preconceptions as well as that of their students. Volume 3 offers five life science probes, seven Earth and space science probes, ten physical science probes, and three nature of science probes. Contains reproducible worksheets.
Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 3 T  
B 90931B 90931 Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 4
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page
Length: 184 Copyright: 2009

Subtitle: 25 New Formative Assessment Probes by Page Keeley and Joyce Tugel. Each probe provides the steps for uncovering and correcting the preconceptions and misconceptions held by students (K-12). Focuses on ways to balance formative assessments with summative assessments. Probes and explanatory teacher notes cover physical science (11) and unifying themes in science, and life, Earth, and space science. Contains reproducible pages.
Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 4 T  
B 94383B 94383 Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science Vol 1
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page
Length: 214 Copyright: 2010

Subtitle: 45 New Force and Motion Assessment Probes by Page Keeley and Rand Harrington. Probes are designed to help K-12 teachers uncover and correct the misconceptions that are held by their students about key ideas in forces and motion. Book specifies grade spans K-4, 5-8, or 9-12 for each probe and suggests ways to adapt a probe for a different grade span or context. Section 1. Describing Motion and Position (speed, acceleration, time intervals, velocity, etc). Section 2. Forces and Newton's Laws (contripetal force, first law, second law, third law, passive action, friction, mass, tension, energy transfer, changing direction, gravitational force, pushes and pulls, etc). Section 3. Mass, Weight, Gravity, and Other Topics (balancing, fulcrum, gears and gear ratio, mechanical advantage, lever, pendulum, pressure, tension, torque, weight, etc).
Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science Vol 1 T  
B 94747B 94747 Uncovering Student Ideas in Life Science, Vol. 1
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page
Length: 162 Copyright: 2011

Subtitle: 25 New Formative Assessment Probes. Probes are designed to help K-12 teachers identify and analyze students' preconceptions. Address the topics of life and its diversity; structure and function; life processes and the needs of living things; ecosystems and change; reproduction; life cycles; heredity; and human biology.
Uncovering Student Ideas in Life Science, Vol. 1 T  
B 97242B 97242 Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science, Volume 3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page D / Cooper, Susan
Length: 224 Copyright: 2019

Vol 3: 32 New Matter and Energy Formative Assessment Probes does the following: Presents engaging questions, also known as formative assessment probes (offered in English and Spanish). The 32 probes in this book are designed to uncover what students know or think they know about the concept of matter and particle model of matter; properties of matter; classifying matter, chemical properties, and chemical reactions; and nuclear processes and energy. The probes will help you uncover students existing beliefs about everything from a particle model of matter to ways of describing energy. Offers field-tested teacher materials that provide the best answers along with distracters designed to reveal conceptual misunderstandings that students commonly hold.
Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science, Volume 3 T  
B 97243B 97243 Science Curriculum Topic Study: Bridging the Gap Between Three-Dimensional Standards, Research, and Practice Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page D / Tugel, Joyce
Length: 324 Copyright: 2020

Curriculum Topic Study (CTS) is a professional development strategy that links science standards to curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The book was developed to be used by individual teachers, teacher teams, or in workshop settings. The CTS process will help teachers: Develop pedagogical and content knowledge, contribute to curriculum planning, define formative and summative assessment goals and strategies, learn to recognize and anticipate students′ misconceptions and address them through instructional strategies, resources, and materials. 2nd edition offers an increased emphasis on STEM.
Science Curriculum Topic Study: Bridging the Gap Between Three-Dimensional T  
B 97305B 97305 Uncovering Student Ideas About Engineering and Technology: 32 New Formative Assessment Probes
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page / Sneider, Cary
Length: 211 Copyright: 2020

Brings teachers engaging questions, also known as formative assessment probes. The book’s 32 probes are designed to uncover what students know or think they know about what technology and engineering are, how to define related problems, and how to design and test solutions. The probes will help teachers uncover students’ current thinking about everything from the purpose of technology to who can become an engineer to how an engineering design process works.
Uncovering Student Ideas About Engineering and Technology: 32 New Formative T