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B 97212B 97212 Putting Teachers First How to Inspire, Motivate and Connect with Your Staff
Grade Lvl: T Author: Johnson, Brad
Length: 144 Copyright: 2019

In Putting Teachers First, author and speaker Brad Johnson offers tons of invaluable tips for building and maintaining strong, dynamic relationships with your teachers, leading to greater job satisfaction, lower turnover, and improved performance across the board. Learn how to boost teacher morale and drive engagement by providing sincere feedback and recognition, creating incentives for teaching excellence, building trust between all faculty members, and more. Topics covered: The Importance of Teacher Satisfaction Motivating Your Teachers to Succeed Creating a Culture of Appreciation Learning to Become a Selfless Leader Inspiring Teachers to Remember Their Purpose Developing Your Emotional Intelligence Communicating and Connecting Effectively Building a Cohesive Team Celebrating Successes Each chapter includes practical advice as well as inspiring stories and anecdotes to motivate you on your journey.
Putting Teachers First How to Inspire, Motivate and Connect with Your Staff T  
B 6758581B 6758581 Putting teachers first :how to inspire, motivate, and connect with your staff
Grade Lvl: Author: Johnson, Brad
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019

Presents a guide for school administrators to building and maintaining strong relationships with teachers, including how to boost morale, provide sincere feedback and recognition, and build trust between all school faculty members.
Putting teachers first :how to inspire, motivate, and connect with your sta  
B 97213B 97213 Learning on Your Feet: Incorporating Physical Activity into the K-8 Classroom
Grade Lvl: T Author: Johnson, Brad / Jones, Melody
Length: 119 Copyright: 2016

Educators learn how incorporating physical activity into the classroom can improve students’ engagement, achievement, and overall wellness. Students typically spend most of the day sitting at their desks, and many don’t have recess or PE. Research shows that regular exercise helps stimulate brain function and improve skills such as reading, critical thinking, organization, and focus. Authors Brad Johnson and Melody Jones, have consulted with schools across the globe on fitness issues, offer a variety of games and activities educators can use to integrate exercise into any class or subject area.
Learning on Your Feet: Incorporating Physical Activity into the K-8 Classro T