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B 97148B 97148 Connected Reading: Teaching Adolescent Readers in a Digital World
Grade Lvl: T Author: Turner, Kristen Hawley / Hicks, Troy
Length: 179 Copyright: 2015

As readers of all ages increasingly turn to the Internet and a variety of electronic devices for both informational and leisure reading, teachers need to reconsider not just who and what teens read but where and how they read as well. Having ready access to digital tools and texts doesn't mean that middle and high school students are automatically thoughtful, adept readers. So how can we help adolescents become critical readers in a digital age? Using NCTE's policy research brief Reading Instruction for All Students as both guide and sounding board, experienced teacher-researchers Kristen Hawley Turner and Troy Hicks took their questions about adolescent reading practices to a dozen middle and high school classrooms. In this book, they report on their interviews and survey data from visits with hundreds of teens, which led to the development of their model of Connected Reading: "Digital tools, used mindfully, enable connections. Digital reading is connected reading." They argue that we must teach adolescents how to read digital texts effectively, not simply expect that teens can read them because they know how to use digital tools. Turner and Hicks offer practical tips by highlighting classroom practices that engage students in reading and thinking with both print and digital texts, thus encouraging reading instruction that reaches all students.
Connected Reading: Teaching Adolescent Readers in a Digital World T  
B 97150B 97150 Create, Compose, Connect! Reading, Writing and Learning with Digital Tools
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hyler, Jeremy / Hicks, Troy
Length: 200 Copyright: 2014

Find out how to incorporate digital tools into your English language arts class to improve students’ reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Authors Jeremy Hyler and Troy Hicks show you that technology is not just about making a lesson engaging; it’s about helping students become effective creators and consumers of information in today’s fast-paced world. You’ll learn how to use mobile technologies to teach narrative, informational, and argument writing as well as visual literacy and multimodal research. Each chapter is filled with exciting lesson plans and tech tool suggestions that you can take back to your own classroom immediately.
Create, Compose, Connect! Reading, Writing and Learning with Digital Tools T