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B 96973B 96973 Kids First from Day One: A Teacher's Guide to Today's Classroom
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hertz, Christine / Mraz, Kristine
Length: 184 Copyright: 2018

Strengthen and deepen the connections between your love of working with kids, your desire to impact their lives, and your teaching practice. Kids First shares: plans for designing beautiful classroom spaces filled with fun, learning positive language and classroom routines that reduce disruptive behavior-without rewards and consequences, and suggestions for matching students' needs to high-impact teaching structures. Included in the pages are the authors' favorite "teacher stuff" like quick guides for challenging behavior, small-group planning grids, and parent letters as well as links to videos that model teaching practices explored in the text.
Kids First from Day One: A Teacher's Guide to Today's Classroom T  
B 96972B 96972 Mindset for Learning: Teaching the Traits of Joyful, Independent Growth
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mraz, Kristine / Hertz, Christine
Length: 192 Copyright: 2015

We want our students to take on challenges with zeal, to see themselves not as static test scores but as agents of change. Shows us how to lead students to a growth mindset for school-and life-by focusing on five crucial, research-driven attitudes: optimism-putting aside fear and resistance to learn something new persistence-keeping at it, even when a task is hard flexibility-trying different ways to find a solution resilience-bouncing back from setbacks and learning from failure empathy-learning by putting oneself in another person's shoes. A Mindset for Learning pairs research-psychological, neurological, and pedagogical-with practical classroom help, including instructional language, charts and visuals, teaching tips, classroom vignettes, and more.
Mindset for Learning: Teaching the Traits of Joyful, Independent Growth T