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B 96926B 96926 Saving Play: Addressing Standards through Play-Based Learning in Preschool and Kindergarten
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gronlund, Gaye / Rendon, Thomas
Length: 288 Copyright: 2017

Play, academics, and standards can work together with the right strategies and support from educators. Take an active role in child-directed play to guide learning. Become a strong advocate for saving play in early childhood education by empowering teachers to join play and standards, and learn how child-led, open-ended play addresses the seven domains and Common Core Standards.
Saving Play: Addressing Standards through Play-Based Learning in Preschool T  
B 97345B 97345 Developmentally Appropriate Play: Guiding Young Children to a Higher Level
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gronlund, Gaye
Length: 191 Copyright: 2010

Following the new Developmentally Appropriate Practice guidelines from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), this resource helps teachers enhance the depth and richness of children’s play. Chapter topics include identifying and planning purposeful play, incorporating standards into play, and suggestions to reach higher levels of play.
Developmentally Appropriate Play: Guiding Young Children to a Higher Level T