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B 96946B 96946 Models-Based Science Teaching
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gilbert, Steven W
Length: 204 Copyright: 2011

Explores the concept of mental models in relation to the learning of science and how we can apply this understanding when we teach science. Practicing science teachers at all levels who want to explore new and better ways to frame and model science will find value in this book. Models-Based Science Teaching is concerned with building models of learning that help students of all ages understand four basic ideas: •Learning involves constructing mental models that are by nature simplified and subject to change. •These models are adopted because they work and not necessarily because they are the only true and most effective ways of understanding the world. •No one has a complete grasp of any model, and most of the time we are working with approximations of a situation. •What we create when we communicate are expressions of our inner mental models.
Models-Based Science Teaching T