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B 97429B 97429 Learning That Sticks: A Brain-Based Model for K-12 Instructional Design and Delivery
Grade Lvl: T Author: Goodwin, Brian / Gibson, Tonia
Length: 157 Copyright: 2020

Learning That Sticks helps educators unpack the cognitive science underlying research-supported learning strategies so you can sequence them into experiences that challenge, inspire, and engage your students. As a result, you'll learn to teach with more intentionality and understanding not just what to do but also when and why to do it. By way of an easy-to-use six-phase model of learning, this book:* Analyzes how the brain reacts to, stores, and retrieves new information. * Helps educators "zoom out" to understand the process of learning from beginning to end. and * Helps educators "zoom in" to see what's going on in students' minds during each phase. Learning That Sticks helps shine a light onto learning in your classroom and fosters purposeful and powerful instructional practices.
Learning That Sticks: A Brain-Based Model for K-12 Instructional Design and T