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B 97223B 97223 Red Hot Root Words: Mastering Vocabulary With Prefixes, Suffixes And Root Words Grades 6-9
Grade Lvl: T Author: Draze, Dianne
Length: 158 Copyright: 2005

Over 200 roots are presented in a series of 54 lessons. Each two-page lesson presents between two and five related roots (on average), along with their meanings and common words that use them. Then, ten vocabulary words are listed with part of speech, definition, and a sentence showing the word in context. The second page of the lesson is a student worksheet with a variety of exercises that give students practice defining and using the vocabulary words. Lesson by lesson notes are included for the teacher in the front of the book. These include suggestions for incorporating games and other extension activities (including reproducible student pages). Book 2 in series. Intended for use with students in grades 6-9.
Red Hot Root Words: Mastering Vocabulary With Prefixes, Suffixes And Root W T  
B 97224B 97224 Red Hot Root Words: Mastering Vocabulary with Prefixes, Suffixes and Root Words Grades 3-5
Grade Lvl: T Author: Draze, Dianne
Length: 120 Copyright: 2005

Students will deepen their understanding of the English language and expand their vocabulary through forty-one lessons. Each lesson is formatted with either a prefix(es), suffix(es), or root word(s) complete with the meaning and some sample words. New words built around these concepts follow, with definitions of each and a sample sentence that uses the word in context. Students are then asked to complete a practice section. These exercises vary in construct, including fill-in-the-blank, matching, identifying synonyms and antonyms, identifying the best context for the word, and more. Following every second lesson is a review page that tests students on the concepts and words they learned in the previous two lessons. Book 1 in series. Intended for use with students in grades 3-5.
Red Hot Root Words: Mastering Vocabulary with Prefixes, Suffixes and Root T