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B 96628B 96628 Transforming School Mental Health Services: Population-Based Approaches to Promoting the Competency and Wellness of Children (Joint Publication)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Doll, Beth / Cummings, Jack A
Length: 368 Copyright: 2007

Provides a comprehensive ten-step sequence for implementing population-based services that improve wellness and academic success for individual students and entire schools, and offers suggestions for engaging parents.Child psychology.
Transforming School Mental Health Services: Population-Based Approaches to T  
B 96968B 96968 Resilient Classrooms: Creating Healthy Environments for Learning Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Doll, Beth / Brehm, Katherine
Length: 179 Copyright: 2014

Presents classroom-based strategies for supporting all students' success and psychological wellness in grades K-9. The authors clearly explain what makes a classroom a healthy place to learn. They describe effective procedures for recognizing when a classroom is lacking essential supports, intervening to put missing supports into place, and evaluating the effects on learning and development. Rich case studies show how the strategies have been used by actual educators. Reproducible worksheets and planning tools are included; the large-size format and lay-flat binding facilitate photocopying. Purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by T. Chris Riley-Tillman. New to This Edition *Incorporates a substantial new research base. *Expanded K-9 grade range. *Discussions of timely topics: English language learners, cultural diversity, response to intervention, and positive behavior supports. *Most case studies are new. *Seven additional reproducibles (intervention strategy sheets).
Resilient Classrooms: Creating Healthy Environments for Learning Second Edi T