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B 96925B 96925 Habits of Mind Across the Curriculum: Practical and Creative Strategies for Teachers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Costa, Arthur L / Kallick, Bena
Length: 237 Copyright: 2009

Presents a collection of stories by educators around the world who have successfully implemented the habits in their day-to-day teaching in K 12 classrooms. The collective wisdom and experience of these thoughtful practitioners provide readers with insight into the transdisciplinary nature of the 16 Habits of Mind--intelligent behaviors that lead to success in school and the larger world--as well as model lessons and suggestions for weaving the habits into daily instruction in language arts, music, physical education, social studies, math, foreign language, and other content areas. Readers will come to understand that, far from an add-on to the curriculum, the habits are an essential element for helping students at all grade levels successfully deal with the challenges they face in school and beyond. Practical examples are included in the text.
Habits of Mind Across the Curriculum: Practical and Creative Strategies for T