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are MackinVIA titles. Click on the logo to go to the MackinVIA website

B 97140B 97140 But What Do I DO?: Strategies From A to W for Multi-Tier Systems of Support
Grade Lvl: T Author: Collier, Catherine C
Length: 424 Copyright: 2016

Select individualized and evidence-based interventions for struggling students with this comprehensive guide. Organized around an alphabetized and cross-referenced list and a fold-out selection grid featuring more than 150 PBIS, RTI and MTSS interventions, you’ll quickly find the tools to resolve specific learning and behavioral challenges. The text addresses ideas to: Meet the needs of all your struggling students including at-risk, culturally and linguistically diverse, as well as those with IEPs. Progress monitor, document, and modify instructional strategies. Identify specific interventions for distinct learning and behavior problems. Implement in variety of settings, including special education, learning assistance programs, and full-inclusion.
But What Do I DO?: Strategies From A to W for Multi-Tier Systems of Support T