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8 Items were found
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B 5909918B 5909918 Ninja plants :survival and adaptation in the plant world
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Blevins, Wiley
Length: 96 Copyright: 2017

Explores the many ways in which plants have adapted to survive, including using smells to lure insects, imitating female insects whose male counterparts they want to attract, and eating insects and small animals for extra nourishment.
Ninja plants :survival and adaptation in the plant world IJ  
B 103470B 103470 Where Does Your Food Go?
Grade Lvl: P Author: BLEVINS, WILEY
Length: 31 Copyright: 2002

Provides a simple introduction to how the digestive system works. From the series Rookie Read-About Health. AR 3.0. Follett RL 3.5.
Where Does Your Food Go? P  
B 113375B 113375 Parts of a Plant
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Blevins, Wiley
Length: 16 Copyright: 2004

Shows the parts of a plant in an easy-to-read text that incorporatesphonics instruction. From the series Compass Point Phonics Readers, Set C. AR 1.8. GR level K. IL K-3.
Parts of a Plant KP  
B 97398B 97398 Choosing and Using Decodable Texts: Practical Tips and Strategies for Enhancing Phonics Instruction
Grade Lvl: T Author: Blevins, Wiley
Length: 128 Copyright: 2021

Follow-up text to Phonics From A to Z, Wiley Blevins explains why quality decodable texts are an essential early learning tool and how to distinguish the good from the bad. This resource offers practical lessons and routines for using decodable texts to build children’s phonics and fluency skills, as well as tips on selecting strong decodable texts and what to do if you don’t have any. Includes fun and engaging reproducible decodable mini-books.
Choosing and Using Decodable Texts: Practical Tips and Strategies for Enhan T  
B 97399B 97399 Fresh Look at Phonics, Grades K-2: Common Causes of Failure and 7 Ingredients for Success
Grade Lvl: T Author: Blevins, Wiley
Length: 273 Copyright: 2017

Explains the 7 ingredients of phonics instruction that lead to the greatest student gains, based on two decades of research in classrooms. For each of these seven must haves, author Wiley Blevins shares lessons, routines, word lists, tips for ELL and advanced learners, and advice on pitfalls to avoid regarding pacing, decodable texts, transition time, and more.
Fresh Look at Phonics, Grades K-2: Common Causes of Failure and 7 Ingredien T  
B 97400B 97400 Phonics From A to Z: A Practical Guide (3rd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Blevins, Wiley
Length: 320 Copyright: 2017

Text outlines the most recent brain research, 7 key characteristics of strong phonics instruction, and powerful instructional routines for accelerating student learning. Also includes special sections on meeting the needs of struggling readers and emerging language learners, speed drill forms, fluency tips, word sort and word building support, engaging lessons, word lists, games, learning center ideas, technology resources, and more. Targeted application level: K-3
Phonics From A to Z: A Practical Guide (3rd Edition) T  
B 97628B 97628 Differentiating Phonics Instruction for Maximum Impact
Grade Lvl: T Author: Blevins, Wiley
Length: 282 Copyright: 2024

Subtitle: How to Scaffold Whole-Group Instruction So All Students Can Access Grade-Level Content. Think in powerful new ways about differentiating whole-class phonics lessons, so students at every skill level can engage. Text provides: high-impact routines that focus on the skills known to develop students’ literacy best; Differentiated application of these routines―with fun multi-modal games and variations―for students working on below , and above grade-level expectations, and for multilingual learners. Several reproducible phonics and spelling assessments for placement, progress monitoring, and formative assessments to keep every learner growing as readers and writers.
Differentiating Phonics Instruction for Maximum Impact T  
B 99971B 99971 Phonemic Awareness Activities For Early Reading Success: Easy, Playful Activities That Prepare Children For Phonics Instruction
Grade Lvl: T Author: Blevins, Wiley
Length: 64 Copyright: 1997

Activities include games, rhymes, and picture cards for practicing phoneme discriminaton; rhyming; alliteration; beginning, medial, and ending sounds; oral blending; oral segmentation; and phonemic manipulation.
Phonemic Awareness Activities For Early Reading Success: Easy, Playful Acti T