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B 97325B 97325 Coding as a Playground: Programming and Computational Thinking in the Early Childhood Classroom, Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bers, Marina Umaschi
Length: 229 Copyright: 2021

Coding as a Playground, Second Edition focuses on how young children (aged 7 and under) can engage in computational thinking and be taught to become computer programmers, a process that can increase both their cognitive and social-emotional skills. Learn how coding can engage children as producers―and not merely consumers―of technology in a playful way. You will come away from this groundbreaking work with an understanding of how coding promotes developmentally appropriate experiences such as problem-solving, imagination, cognitive challenges, social interactions, motor skills development, emotional exploration, and making different choices. Featuring all-new case studies, vignettes, and projects, as well as an expanded focus on teaching coding as a new literacy, this second edition helps you learn how to integrate coding into different curricular areas to promote literacy, math, science, engineering, and the arts through a project-based approach and a positive attitude to learning.
Coding as a Playground: Programming and Computational Thinking in the Early T