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B 97487B 97487 Improve Every Lesson Plan with SEL
Grade Lvl: T Author: Benson, Jeffrey
Length: 173 Copyright: 2021

Text offers explicit, step-by-step guidance on how to incorporate social and emotional learning (SEL) into K-12 lesson planning-without imposing a separate SEL curriculum. The book identifies SEL skills in three broad categories: skills for self, interpersonal skills, and skills as a community member. It offers research-based strategies for seamlessly integrating these skills into every section of lesson plans, from introducing a topic in a way that sparks students' interest, to accessing prior knowledge, providing direct instruction, allowing time for experimentation and discovery, using formative assessment, and closing a lesson in a purposeful way.
Improve Every Lesson Plan with SEL T  
B 8039654B 8039654 Improve every lesson plan with SEL
Grade Lvl: T Author: Benson, Jeffrey
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021

Extends a guide to integrating social-emotional skills into areas of teaching curriculum to help students engage with learning and become impassioned about their work.
Improve every lesson plan with SEL T