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B 97418B 97418 Starting Strong: Evidence-Based Early Literacy Practices
Grade Lvl: T Author: Blamey, Katrin L / Beauchat, Katherine A
Length: 230 Copyright: 2016

Text offers insights to teachers on how to use four proven instructional approaches--standards based, evidenced based, assessment based, and student based--to improve their teaching practice in all areas of early literacy. With chapters on oral language, vocabulary, phonological awareness, word recognition, comprehension, and writing skills, this comprehensive book explains each skill and provides research-based strategies for targeting each area. Supported by evidence-based research and aligned to key tenets of the Common Core, the book also includes classroom-tested activities and children’s literature suggestions for each area of literacy. Starting Strong is an essential resource that any early literacy teacher or coach using a balanced literacy approach can use to build a solid foundation for their students.
Starting Strong: Evidence-Based Early Literacy Practices T