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KM 13258KM 13258 Math Pathways & Pitfalls Percents, Ratios, Proportions with Algebra Readiness (Grades 6-8)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Barnett-Clarke, Carne / Ramirez, Alma
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010

This volume of Math Pathways & Pitfalls K–8 curriculum helps students tackle stubborn pitfalls head-on and transform them into pathways for learning key standards for grades 6–8. The lessons in this book address percents, ratios, and proportions interwoven with algebraic reasoning. In rigorous research studies, Math Pathways & Pitfalls significantly increased student achievement for diverse students, including for English learners, in all grades tested. This kit contains everything a teacher needs to teach Math Pathways & Pitfalls with ease and success. Includes 22 complete lessons. Teaching manual, DVD video footage of Math Pathways & Pitfalls in action, CD with black line masters of student handouts, classroom quizzes, answer keys, and resources, Discussion Builders classroom poster and Teacher professional development tasks, activities, and video footage. Restricted to AEA 1 Math Consultants. IL 6-8.
Math Pathways & Pitfalls Percents, Ratios, Proportions with Algebra Readine T  
KM 13257KM 13257 Math Pathways & Pitfalls: Fractions and Decimals with Algebra Readiness (Grades 6-8)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Barnett-Clarke, Carne / Ramirez, Alma
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010

This volume of Math Pathways & Pitfalls K–8 curriculum helps students tackle stubborn pitfalls head-on and transform them into pathways for learning key standards for grades 6–8. The lessons in this book address percents, ratios, and proportions interwoven with algebraic reasoning. In rigorous research studies, Math Pathways & Pitfalls significantly increased student achievement for diverse students, including for English learners, in all grades tested. This kit contains everything a teacher needs to teach Math Pathways & Pitfalls with ease and success. Includes 22 complete lessons. Teaching manual, DVD video footage of Math Pathways & Pitfalls in action, CD with black line masters of student handouts, classroom quizzes, answer keys, and resources, Discussion Builders classroom poster and Teacher professional development tasks, activities, and video footage. Restricted to AEA 1 Math Consultants. IL 6-8.
Math Pathways & Pitfalls: Fractions and Decimals with Algebra Readiness (Gr T