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B 118353B 118353 Secrets of the Sky Caves: Danger and Discovery on Nepal's Mustang Cliffs
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Athans, Sandra K
Length: 64 Copyright: 2014

Describes how mountaineers and archeologists are investigating and exploring Nepal's Mustang cliffs and caves. From 2007 to 2012, mountaineer Pete Athans explored the ancient sky caves of Mustang with a talented team. They found mummies, manuscripts, and other priceless artifacts. Mountaineering Nepal Mustang (District). Caves Nepal Mustang (District). AR 6.4 Lexile 900 IL 4-10.
Secrets of the Sky Caves: Danger and Discovery on Nepal's Mustang Cliffs IJS  
B 97142B 97142 Close Reading for the Whole Class
Grade Lvl: T Author: Athans, Sandra / Devine, Denise
Length: 128 Copyright: 2015

Easy Strategies for: Choosing Complex Texts, Creating Text-Dependent Questions, Teaching Close Reading Lessons. Close reading is a key strategy for comprehending the complex texts required by the Common Core. Sandra Athans and Denise Devine unpack this strategy, breaking it down into manageable components and sharing their classroom-tested lessons and teaching tools that guide students step-by-step through close reading grade-level texts. Athans and Devine demonstrate how to • select appropriate text for instruction • develop high-level questions to guide student thinking • teach students to use evidence to support their responses • facilitate discussion to further deepen student comprehension • scaffold struggling readers Intended for use with Grades 2-6.
Close Reading for the Whole Class T