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B 7443348B 7443348 Mindfulness in the classroom :strategies for promoting concentration, compassion, and calm
Grade Lvl: T Author: Armstrong, Thomas
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Presents a guide to introducing mindfulness into the classroom to create calmer environments and help students concentrate and feel better about themselves and others. Explores how mindfulness affects the brain and provides an overview of mindfulness as both a personal practice and a classroom methodology that can align with various educational models. Also discusses the research on mindfulness in the classroom, how to adapt mindfulness for different grade levels, how to integrate it into regular school subjects, how to implement it schoolwide, and how to teach mindfulness without religious overtones.
Mindfulness in the classroom :strategies for promoting concentration, compa T  
B 92007B 92007 Multiple Intelligences of Reading and Writing
Grade Lvl: T Author: Armstrong, Thomas
Length: 153 Copyright: 2003

Subtitle: Making the Words Come Alive. The first chapter summarizes the basics of multiple intelligences theory and provides an overview of the connections that reading and writing have with different areas of the brain. Subsequent chapters examine the relationship of reading and writing to the different intelligences within MI theory. Provides hundreds of strategies, tips, and resources to increase literacy in every grade level and ability group.
Multiple Intelligences of Reading and Writing T  
B 92632B 92632 ADD/ADHD Alternatives in the Classroom
Grade Lvl: T Author: Armstrong, Thomas
Length: 126 Copyright: 1999

Author Thomas Armstrong urges educators to look for the positive characteristics in ADHD learners and beyond the deficit approach. Recommends teaching to their multiple intelligences, learning styles, and other brain-friendly approaches. Presents practical ideas for helping kids with attention and behavior difficulties that include educational, cognitive, physical, affective, biological, ecological, and behavioral strategies.
ADD/ADHD Alternatives in the Classroom T  
B 96914B 96914 Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students
Grade Lvl: T Author: Armstrong, Thomas
Length: 207 Copyright: 2016

Looks at the teenage brain from an empathetic, strength-based perspective—and describes how educators can make the most of their students’ potential. Grounded in current neurological research, this book explains how the adolescent brain works and proposes eight instructional elements to: Help students develop the ability to think; Make healthy choices; Regulate their emotions; Handle social conflict; Consolidate their identities; Learn enough about the world to move into adulthood with dignity and grace.
Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High Scho T