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3 Items were found
DA & DL are digital videos. Click on the orange to go to AEA Digital Library or Learn 360
are MackinVIA titles. Click on the logo to go to the MackinVIA website

B 7123645B 7123645 Explicit instruction :effective and efficient teaching
Grade Lvl: T Author: Archer, Anita L.
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021

Shows teachers how to implement explicit instruction teaching practices across all content areas and for all ages and types of learners. Features examples from diverse classrooms, sample lesson plans, and reproducible checklists and worksheets.
Explicit instruction :effective and efficient teaching T  
DVD 2889DVD 2889 Golden Principles of Explicit Instruction
Grade Lvl: T Author: Archer, Anita
Length: 72 Copyright: 2013

Dr. Anita Archer covers the big ideas in explicit instruction in these short video segments about the Golden Principles of Explicit Instruction. Includes four- to seven-minute video presentations for quick inservice opportunities. Staff can watch a segment, then take 10–15 minutes to discuss the golden principle and how it applies in their classrooms. Contents: Explicit Instruction; Anticipate & Remove; Assumicide; What Your Expect=What You Get; A Quick Review of Teaching;Concepts & Vocabulary; Practice, Practice, Practice; Up on Your Feet; Avoid Voids; Pace of the Lesson; Learning Is Not A Spectator Sport; Passion & Compassion.
Golden Principles of Explicit Instruction T  
B 95531B 95531 Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching
Grade Lvl: T Author: Archer, Anita / Hughes, Charles
Length: 290 Copyright: 2011

Provides tools and advice for educators to use explicit instruction for efficient classroom teaching, explaining how to identify and design effective lessons around key concepts, and including samples of lesson plans, reproducible checklists, and teacher worksheets. Cognitive learning. Intervention. From the series What Works for Special-Needs Learners.
Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching T